27 March 2008
Do you see how quickly time is marching by. I have been on my mission nearly 6 months and still don't have diggs. Soon though.
Just wanted to tell everyone the new things on Sam. He has begun to have feelings in his left triceps. This is very important as he needs these muscles to self transport. The feeling and movement isn't constant, but we are hoping that eventually it will be. This is a great step forward in helping him to be more self-sufficient. His brother is now in training to be able to help take care of him when he is released. He and Ashley both remain positive.
Yesterday, Ashley and Carol went over to the Taggarts (The young man who as had the same kind of injury-2 years ago-his father works here in the Audiovisual Department, I told you about him in an earlier blog.)and they showed them all the adjustments they had made to their home for Joseph. They were so wonderful, helpful, informative, kind, etc. Carol said immediately they made them feel like family. They were able to give Ashley lots of information about resources, this will save Ashley much time in finding out things they need to help get life going for them. Joseph and Sam have become friends and he has been to the hospital talking to the therapisis, he is going to school, and he has friends who have been to China and been through the stem cell treatment, with the results. This too is very encouraging to Sam and Ashley. These two great young people have taken on this tremendous task with a good attitude and much faith. I am so very proud of them both. Baby Benjamin is growing, he is soo cute. I tried to take his picture last night but he was too interested in eating dinner. Please, when you have time send a
card or call ( if your Verizon its free time). The members of Ashleys ward gave her a baby shower, after the fact, and gave her many nice nice gifts. Mostly, she was so impressed with her generosity, she couldn't figure out why the were doing these nice things for her, which she didn't deserve. Silly girl!!
The condo is coming along so nicely. We are waiting for the cabinets (mistake ones) to come in hopefully Friday so we can install them on Monday. The electrician will be there then to finish the electricity. My great painters (Mason & Marissa) are at it full force. I went this morning and picked up some more paint. Called Roto Rooter for a plugged drain we found in the 2nd shower. They will be there tomorrow AM.
I had a call from Denise yesterday, it was so nice to hear her voice. We are both busy and I appreciate her calls. Her friend had to make a trip to the emergency room but she is doing better now.
Marissa has started her 3 shots a day now. I hope it is worth it and they get a baby.
I love you,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to both my brothers-in-law, Willie and Billie. Both of them are great guys, that is to put up with my sisters who come from the same family I come from therefore, I know how stubborn we can be. Great going guys. Both of these couples have been married for longer than they would like me to tell years, that in and of itself is an accomplishment. I surely didn't make it that long. My hats are off to you both rather all.
On my last blog, I told you that Sam had received feeling in his thumb and finger, I failed to tell you that he doesn't yet have movement. We are hoping for that to follow. I went by the other night for my run of noodles and he had a room full of friends. It made me feel good for him. It can be awfully lonely in a hospital for long periods of time. If you have a good movie you like, you could send it to him. I would be happy to deliver it for you.
Hope you had a great Easter Day! We (Me, Marissa and Mason) went over to Bruce and Viv's for dinner. It was great to be there with all of the little ones running around, my they are precious. There was a big easter egg hunt, the big ones enjoyed that, and everyone had candy and other goodies. We learned that Eric's wife had surgery for gall-bladder removal. She is recooperating well. Heather, David Sullivans wife had to have 2 shots to help the baby to develope his lungs more and then hopefully this Thursday they will take the baby by cesearan birth.
Later on in the evening I went over to my friend Sr. Lonni's and we watched "Emma", the continuing saga of Jane Austen. I love these old english films. I picked up a fun mystery set called "Rosemary and Tyme". I love a good mystery.
Mason and Marissa worked hard on Saturday and now most of the painting is finished. We still have a few miscellaneous closets, the ceiling in the living room/kitchen and when I pickup the trim, we will paint it and Mason will put in in. The rest of the cabinets will be in later this week, then on the 31st, the electricians will come, and then inspection, then the carpet on the 1st or 2nd. I may be in by conference time.
love you,
On my last blog, I told you that Sam had received feeling in his thumb and finger, I failed to tell you that he doesn't yet have movement. We are hoping for that to follow. I went by the other night for my run of noodles and he had a room full of friends. It made me feel good for him. It can be awfully lonely in a hospital for long periods of time. If you have a good movie you like, you could send it to him. I would be happy to deliver it for you.
Hope you had a great Easter Day! We (Me, Marissa and Mason) went over to Bruce and Viv's for dinner. It was great to be there with all of the little ones running around, my they are precious. There was a big easter egg hunt, the big ones enjoyed that, and everyone had candy and other goodies. We learned that Eric's wife had surgery for gall-bladder removal. She is recooperating well. Heather, David Sullivans wife had to have 2 shots to help the baby to develope his lungs more and then hopefully this Thursday they will take the baby by cesearan birth.
Later on in the evening I went over to my friend Sr. Lonni's and we watched "Emma", the continuing saga of Jane Austen. I love these old english films. I picked up a fun mystery set called "Rosemary and Tyme". I love a good mystery.
Mason and Marissa worked hard on Saturday and now most of the painting is finished. We still have a few miscellaneous closets, the ceiling in the living room/kitchen and when I pickup the trim, we will paint it and Mason will put in in. The rest of the cabinets will be in later this week, then on the 31st, the electricians will come, and then inspection, then the carpet on the 1st or 2nd. I may be in by conference time.
love you,
Monday, March 17, 2008
Great Newz!!
Talked to Ashley, Sam has feeling in his thumb and pointer finger, the will probably move him to a C6. This is wonderful news, he can do so many more things. They are learning about stem cell research and it is giving them hope.
Alma 7:
40 And again, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you concerning ahope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?
41 And what is it that ye shall ahope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have bhope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life ceternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise.
42 Wherefore, if a man have afaith he bmust needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.
43 And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be ameek, and lowly of heart.
44 If so, his afaith and hope is vain, for none is bacceptable before God, save the cmeek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and dconfesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.
• • •
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even as he is pure. Amen.
Amen for me too!!
Alma 7:
40 And again, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you concerning ahope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?
41 And what is it that ye shall ahope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have bhope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life ceternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise.
42 Wherefore, if a man have afaith he bmust needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.
43 And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be ameek, and lowly of heart.
44 If so, his afaith and hope is vain, for none is bacceptable before God, save the cmeek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and dconfesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.
• • •
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even as he is pure. Amen.
Amen for me too!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Rainy Thursday!
It has been raining off and on since around 7am. It smells heavenly. The pansies in front of the COB (Church office building) are peeking out and they are so pretty.
No news on Sam today. I talked to Carol and she said Ashley ran out of minutes on her cell phone so she turned it off, so I couldn't call her. I hope she is doing well too.
I didn't go by the hospital yesterday as Marissa was very sick from this terrible flu and I went home to be with her to keep her company until Mason got home. He was coming home later than usual. Does the flu make you grouchy too, that is besides miserable with chills, fever, hurting everywhere, coughing etc. I do think she had all the symptoms. She had belated sympathy for Mason who was sick with the same stuff last week. I surely hope I don't get it. I told Sister Lonni that I probably wouldn't get it, I have an autoimmune disease so my body just attacks itself. (Ha! Ha!)
Everyone around here is getting ready for General Conference Apr. 5 & 6. I did not realize the work it took to offer conference to the world. It is now broadcast in over 97 languages, and it takes 850 plus people to translate all of the languages. These people are all around the world. It takes .4 of a second for the transmission from translation anywhere in the world to the broadcast. It is amazing.
"Some workers were reviewing the Church's new satellite receiver from Wegener Communications. The new version of their receiver can handle multilanguage subtitles (http://www.wegener.com/PRODUCTS/UNITY/unity_550.php), this will be critical as the Church works to meet the needs of members throughout the world. General Conference is in over 90 languages now and the number will grow. Tim has been pushing satellite subtitles so that in addition to meeting the needs of the hearing impaired, each audience can see the scripture text or other written text/graphics in their own language. This will now be possible as we develop the subtitling system using this new satellite receiver. ." (Mosiah 3: 20 And moreover, I say unto you, that the time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.)
I copied this info (above in quotes)for you to read so you could see the extent the church goes to so that each person can see and hear in their own tongue. Pre-production and performance and Post-production just from our department takes many people working together. Then something like President Hinckleys funeral, an unexpected event, has the same amount of production only in a shorter amount of time. If you saw the funeral, you saw that everything was run with precision. My, I am learning things everyday. I try to learn all I can, I am able to get lots of exposure to learning I have a giant problem in retaining. Oh Well!!!!!
A bit of trivia I got off of mormontimes.com:
Who sets the date for Easter? The date of Easter actually is determined by the sun and the moon, and some rules put in place at the Nicene Council in
AD 325. The council decided Easter will occur on the first Sunday after the first full moon after vernal equnox (first day of spring). It can fall anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th. The most common day for easter is March 31. The date is quite random.
I am doing well, and busy, which I like. Love you all. Zgranee
No news on Sam today. I talked to Carol and she said Ashley ran out of minutes on her cell phone so she turned it off, so I couldn't call her. I hope she is doing well too.
I didn't go by the hospital yesterday as Marissa was very sick from this terrible flu and I went home to be with her to keep her company until Mason got home. He was coming home later than usual. Does the flu make you grouchy too, that is besides miserable with chills, fever, hurting everywhere, coughing etc. I do think she had all the symptoms. She had belated sympathy for Mason who was sick with the same stuff last week. I surely hope I don't get it. I told Sister Lonni that I probably wouldn't get it, I have an autoimmune disease so my body just attacks itself. (Ha! Ha!)
Everyone around here is getting ready for General Conference Apr. 5 & 6. I did not realize the work it took to offer conference to the world. It is now broadcast in over 97 languages, and it takes 850 plus people to translate all of the languages. These people are all around the world. It takes .4 of a second for the transmission from translation anywhere in the world to the broadcast. It is amazing.
"Some workers were reviewing the Church's new satellite receiver from Wegener Communications. The new version of their receiver can handle multilanguage subtitles (http://www.wegener.com/PRODUCTS/UNITY/unity_550.php), this will be critical as the Church works to meet the needs of members throughout the world. General Conference is in over 90 languages now and the number will grow. Tim has been pushing satellite subtitles so that in addition to meeting the needs of the hearing impaired, each audience can see the scripture text or other written text/graphics in their own language. This will now be possible as we develop the subtitling system using this new satellite receiver. ." (Mosiah 3: 20 And moreover, I say unto you, that the time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.)
I copied this info (above in quotes)for you to read so you could see the extent the church goes to so that each person can see and hear in their own tongue. Pre-production and performance and Post-production just from our department takes many people working together. Then something like President Hinckleys funeral, an unexpected event, has the same amount of production only in a shorter amount of time. If you saw the funeral, you saw that everything was run with precision. My, I am learning things everyday. I try to learn all I can, I am able to get lots of exposure to learning I have a giant problem in retaining. Oh Well!!!!!
A bit of trivia I got off of mormontimes.com:
Who sets the date for Easter? The date of Easter actually is determined by the sun and the moon, and some rules put in place at the Nicene Council in
AD 325. The council decided Easter will occur on the first Sunday after the first full moon after vernal equnox (first day of spring). It can fall anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th. The most common day for easter is March 31. The date is quite random.
I am doing well, and busy, which I like. Love you all. Zgranee
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Yesterday, I lost half of my blog. Don't know how! I had told you about Sam, he had lost 23 pounds in the three weeks. He weighed 165 and now is 142, it upset him very much. It looks mostly like muscle loss, which he will regain over time, he may even loose more weight over time. Last night I took him some more noodles, but he was in a spinal cord injury meeting so I just left the food and went home. They (Ashley & Sam) have a meeting with Social Security today. There are so many odds and ends to take care of for them. They think he will be in the hospital 5 to 7 weeks, and the people whose apartment they rent are fixing it up for him to stay there. They have so much support from neighbors and members of the ward. What a wonderful thing to see all the help people are willing to give. If you will email me or call me, I will give you their address at home so you can write a note of encouagement to them. The hospital address is:
IHC (Intermountain Healthcare)
Patient: Sam Harrison #1215
5022 South State Street
Murray UT 84107
Some old news: Jared and Katie Sullivan had boy #7, Monday 3/3/08,his name is Shane Leroy Sullivan. Jared and Katie have found a home in Carlsbad and hope to close on it in May, she will be able to move there as soon as school is over, the ind of May. Heather, Dave Sullivan's wife is supposed to have her baby by cesarean birth on 3/18/08.It will be a boy and his name is Elijah. Will give you more info as it comes in. Denise told me that Tiffany my granddaughter will be having another baby. I have 2 grandchildren (girls) and that will make me 4 great grandchildren. (So far, all girls).
Condo update, all closets and 2 rooms walls washed and ready for paint. Moving along.
There is a bad flu going around, some in my department have it, and Marissa has it, she is miserable, she went to the Dr. yesterday has a terrible sinus infection and the flu. The worse part you just have to go thru the course of the flu. Yuck!
I love you,
IHC (Intermountain Healthcare)
Patient: Sam Harrison #1215
5022 South State Street
Murray UT 84107
Some old news: Jared and Katie Sullivan had boy #7, Monday 3/3/08,his name is Shane Leroy Sullivan. Jared and Katie have found a home in Carlsbad and hope to close on it in May, she will be able to move there as soon as school is over, the ind of May. Heather, Dave Sullivan's wife is supposed to have her baby by cesarean birth on 3/18/08.It will be a boy and his name is Elijah. Will give you more info as it comes in. Denise told me that Tiffany my granddaughter will be having another baby. I have 2 grandchildren (girls) and that will make me 4 great grandchildren. (So far, all girls).
Condo update, all closets and 2 rooms walls washed and ready for paint. Moving along.
There is a bad flu going around, some in my department have it, and Marissa has it, she is miserable, she went to the Dr. yesterday has a terrible sinus infection and the flu. The worse part you just have to go thru the course of the flu. Yuck!
I love you,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Right in the middle of a sentence I goofed. I haven't gotten used to this blogging yet. If I work at it, I'll be a pro so bear with me as I work at it.
We were talking about Sam, I stopped on the way to the hospital and picked up some noodles for him. I think he is starving for good (not hospital) food. One was a Mushroom Strogganoff, the other was with some veggies. He was happy, and Ashley fed Sam while I was holding the baby. While I was holding him (the baby, silly) on my shoulder, he could hear Ashley talking and he was trying so hard to turn around and see her. They both seem to be in good spirits and talking of stem cell research, this is a good thing, looking to the future. The young man, Joseph I told you about is going to China to do the stem cell thing I think in may. Look on my earlier blog, his blog address in there, look him up and read his story,it is quite interesting..
Condo update. The cabinets are in, they look great, if I ever remember I will take a pic and post it for you. The tile is finished and sealant applied yesterday. The Grout Doctor finished the showers. Now, painting... I have washed some of the walls as the place if full of dry wall dust, I cleaned the cement floors with the wonderful woodlike stuff that keeps the dust down. Swept the ceilings, they are too rough to wash, and I can't do that stuff any more anyway so paint only is what it gets.
Mason was sick last week and Marissa was sick Sunday, and is still sick Tuesday. Flu bug going around, Taylor is doing better.
Me, darn feet!!!!
We were talking about Sam, I stopped on the way to the hospital and picked up some noodles for him. I think he is starving for good (not hospital) food. One was a Mushroom Strogganoff, the other was with some veggies. He was happy, and Ashley fed Sam while I was holding the baby. While I was holding him (the baby, silly) on my shoulder, he could hear Ashley talking and he was trying so hard to turn around and see her. They both seem to be in good spirits and talking of stem cell research, this is a good thing, looking to the future. The young man, Joseph I told you about is going to China to do the stem cell thing I think in may. Look on my earlier blog, his blog address in there, look him up and read his story,it is quite interesting..
Condo update. The cabinets are in, they look great, if I ever remember I will take a pic and post it for you. The tile is finished and sealant applied yesterday. The Grout Doctor finished the showers. Now, painting... I have washed some of the walls as the place if full of dry wall dust, I cleaned the cement floors with the wonderful woodlike stuff that keeps the dust down. Swept the ceilings, they are too rough to wash, and I can't do that stuff any more anyway so paint only is what it gets.
Mason was sick last week and Marissa was sick Sunday, and is still sick Tuesday. Flu bug going around, Taylor is doing better.
Me, darn feet!!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Saturday is a Special Day
I don't know why, but it is always wonderful when Saturday rolls around. I have a completely different schedule on Saturday. Sometimes, if I am lucky, I can have my laundry already done and do different things, besided Cinderella chores. This AM, I plan on going to the condo and wash walls, soon, we will be able to paint, I plan on going to the hospital to see Sam, he asked me to bring him something with noodles, I don't think they feed him enough. Anyway, there is a Noodles cafe close to the hospital, I thought, I could go there often and take him different kinds of pasta, and they would be hot still. I am so brilliant!!, and a plus, I don't have to cook it as I don't have a kitchen yet. ( poor excuse) He also wanted some fruit, so I think I will take him some strawberries too, He can eat those at random. He looks good and says he is working hard to get where he is supposed to be. He says to tell everyone thanks for your love and concern and your prayers, and that he loves you all. What a great kid he is, mostly concerned about his wife (Ashley) and the baby.
Taylor called me yesterday morning, he was in great pain as he thought he had kidney stones, he was on the way to the hospital. I talked to him later, they drugged him for the pain and gave him some medication. I think he slept most of the day, when I checked on him in the evening, he was still groggy. He was in Globe, Marissa says they should have given him a CT scan, but he doesn't have insurance soooooo. Maybe when he returns to PHX he can go see a urologist. I have seen Marissa in pain from kidney stones so I know how really painful they can be.
Tile finished, cabinets in, and measured for the contertops, purchased sinks yesterday. Moving along, There is a lot of trash that needs to be hauled away.
This morning, I finished my laundry, Marissa went running, Mason is sleeping, he has the flu and feels miserable, he missed two days work. So I am trying to be quite, not an easy chore for the Bang-Clank Queen. Hope you have a great day.
I love you.
Taylor called me yesterday morning, he was in great pain as he thought he had kidney stones, he was on the way to the hospital. I talked to him later, they drugged him for the pain and gave him some medication. I think he slept most of the day, when I checked on him in the evening, he was still groggy. He was in Globe, Marissa says they should have given him a CT scan, but he doesn't have insurance soooooo. Maybe when he returns to PHX he can go see a urologist. I have seen Marissa in pain from kidney stones so I know how really painful they can be.
Tile finished, cabinets in, and measured for the contertops, purchased sinks yesterday. Moving along, There is a lot of trash that needs to be hauled away.
This morning, I finished my laundry, Marissa went running, Mason is sleeping, he has the flu and feels miserable, he missed two days work. So I am trying to be quite, not an easy chore for the Bang-Clank Queen. Hope you have a great day.
I love you.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Nearly Spring Wednesday
It is a great day outside. Still a bit cool but tolerable.
Hi everyone!
A busy day and just noontime. We had a department devotional this morning. It was a special one as one of the original members of the department is retiring the 20th of this month and was asked to write a history of the department. It was very informative. He showed a Star Wars like clip about the department that was quite entertaining, they had created it in abt. 1986. It was interesting to see the progress from no computers to all of the modern equipment we have now. The audiovisual department has become an integral part of the churchs ability to reach people. It is technical and creative, and I am learning a lot. The people I work with are wonderful.
Hi everyone!
A busy day and just noontime. We had a department devotional this morning. It was a special one as one of the original members of the department is retiring the 20th of this month and was asked to write a history of the department. It was very informative. He showed a Star Wars like clip about the department that was quite entertaining, they had created it in abt. 1986. It was interesting to see the progress from no computers to all of the modern equipment we have now. The audiovisual department has become an integral part of the churchs ability to reach people. It is technical and creative, and I am learning a lot. The people I work with are wonderful.
Yesterday, I learned that one of the department had a son who had a spinal cord injury 2 years ago, someone in the department had asked him to have his son go and visit Sam, which he did on Monday. I heard they hit it off, I think it will be good for Sam to know someone who is in his situation and can relate to some of the things he is going through. If you would like to visit this young man's blog it is ( josephtaggart.blogspot.com) and you can read about this accident and how he is doing now. Perhaps this will make you feel better too. It is a difficult thing that happened to these young men, but they both have great attitudes about the future. Joseph's dad said the thing that was the greatest accomplishment in his life was his son's attitude. I felt this was a wonderful way to feel as a father. I think that Sam's dad could say the same thing as Sam has such a "can do" attitude. Both of these young men have served missions consequently, they both have strong faith in Jesus Christ.
Today, they are installing the cabinets at the house. They should finish by tomorrow and we can start painting ( the worst job).
Carol (my sister-in-law) flew to PHX this morning and will drive to Silver City tomorrow to drive back her to help Ashley next week sometime. I think Ashley is exhausted trying to do everything. The hospital is taking care of Sam, perhaps we should see to Ashley's needs too, especially with that new baby. IF you call me, I will give you their address.
Monday, March 3, 2008
I have to pass this on quickly before I forget it. I just talked to Annette and she said Heather was fixing breakfast for Dianne, (Dianne has been testing all week at school) Dianne said she needed a good breakfast so she could do well on the tests. Heather said she would peel an orange for her, Dianne said she didn't need a whole orange, Heather said yes you will be smart all day, to which Dianne responded I only have to think until noon. So Heather gave her half of the orange. I laughed and laughed. She is so smart for only 8 years old. She also asked her Mother if was ever going to get baptised before she was 9. I told her mom I would see if I could get permission from President Halverson to go home for her baptism. Can you tell if I am looking for excuses for warm weather.
We had crazy weather on the weekend. It was nice and warm all day Saturday, I pulled into the car wash and it was 55 degrees out side. I pulled out and headed home and it was 45degrees. Soon it started snowing like a blizzard. It snowed until about 11pm. It was a very wet snow. On Sunday AM I was going to get in the truck and had a hard time opening the door, it had frozen shut. There went my wash job. Oh well, the windows are clean.
Sunday was a special day. At 9AM we met at the hospital as Sam was going to bless baby Benjamin Alexander Harrison. Wow, What a long name for such a tiny baby. It was fast meeting and the hospital has a branch on Sunday mornings. It is in the Murray Stake and 38 couples are assigned to the hospital. They are to visit the patients in the hospital each day and see to their needs. On Sunday there were 101 members in the hospital. The Branch President announced that this was the first time they had ever blessed a baby, the older women who usually came to the hospital had stopped having babies. (everyone laughed). The nurse brought Sam in to the meeting, he wasn't in his fancy wheelchair, he was in one they could lay him down in as he still gets tired quickly. He blessed the baby and both grandfathers were there, friends, cousins, brothers. It was a very special blessing. You could feel the spirit so strongly in his voice. If you did not see him in a wheel chair, you could not tell from the sound of his voice that he was ill. Afterword, we went to the 12th floor and everyone met there. We took pictures of them holding the baby. He is such a good baby, never a wimper from him. We left around 11 and went home and grabbed our salad fixings and headed over to the luncheon. The luncheon was at Ashley's grandma LouAnn's club house. It was very nice there. The food looked delicious, and they had cheese cake, too bad I was fasting. I stayed until 12:30 and went to my ward down town.
Sterling was there, I haven't seen him in some time, he looked real good, He is getting all grown up and mature looking. I forget he and T are going to be 25 this year. I guess its ok if they begin to look mature at that age. They probably think 25 is getting up there, but from my point of view is looks pretty young, I can't even remember back that far. I was just trying to think what I was doing when I was 25. I was married to Dan, and we lived in ABQ, I was working at the Buick dealership there that was 1970'. Other than that, I can't think of anything significant about that year.
Everyday at work, I distribute the mail. All of the mail that comes to this floor. We (the audiovisual department) occupy the west side of the 21st floor, and the translation department has the east side of the floor. Every work day, a young man on the translation side receives the BYU news paper "Daily Universe". Well, not wanting to waste paper, I help him recycle it by reading it before I give it to him. Anyway, there was an article in there about Sam. I went online and copied it so you could read it.
Here it is:
BYU student Sam Harrison was just adjusting to his role as the father of a one-month-old baby boy, when his life took another dramatic turn.
Feb. 16 Harrison was seriously injured in a snowboarding accident and was life-flighted to the University of Utah hospital.
An MRI and X-rays showed his neck broken in several places and damage to the protective layer around his spinal cord. Though his spinal cord is fine, Harrison is currently paralyzed. Doctors said it would be a miracle for him to walk again.
Thankfully, Sam and his wife Ashley said they believe in miracles.
Friends said Harrison mistook a large jump for a hill, caught too much air and landed on his head.
"Thankfully he was wearing a helmet so his head was protected," Ashley Harrison said. "Sam is not a daredevil."
At first, Harrison only had feeling just past his elbows and from his sternum upward. By Feb. 19, he had feeling down to his wrists in both arms and was able to breathe without a ventilator.
It was on this day that Harrison told his wife, "Ashley, I am not going to be a cripple. I am going to walk again."
Harrison was then moved to the Intermountain Medical Center in Murray to begin rehabilitation. He will be there for at least three months.
The story of Sam Harrison is available at www.donateforsam.org where donations can also be made. By the fifth day after being established, $10,000 had been donated. Sam, Ashley, and baby Benjamin greatly appreciate all prayers and donations.
It was a long day, I went to YLonni's after church and veged. She went over to her Sons for a while and I just sat there thinking through the day. We watched "Persuasion" on Masterpiece Theater. I went home about 10:30 and got to bed by midnight. Not to bad, but a full day.
Today, Juan has grouted all of the tile he has laid so far. He still has the hallways and a small piece in the North bedroom. The cabinets are supposed to be here on the 4th and will install on 5th or 6th. The contractor finished with the wall repair and stucco today. They had a difficult time matching the brick color. I think it will be OK.
This morning for our Monday morning devotional Elder Coleman spoke to us. Elder Coleman was my seminary director when I taught seminary in Grants. He told of his conversion. He had been a good member of his church and was an alter boy for 12 years. He said he had been looking into mormonism for a year and no one gave him a Book of Mormon. He said finally a missionary gave him a marked one. ( I don't know if you remember the blue Bof M with the picture of the Angel Moroni on the front.) He said he only read 87 verses, and he received a testimony. He said the markings started him on page 19 and then on to page 59, and some others inbetween, then on to 3 Nephi 11, and finally ending in Moroni with the challenge. He said he took the challenge and received a significant testimony. It changed his life. It was very moving. I had tears, of course, he had tears, and many others all of us remembering our precious testimonies when the spirit witnessed to us the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We had crazy weather on the weekend. It was nice and warm all day Saturday, I pulled into the car wash and it was 55 degrees out side. I pulled out and headed home and it was 45degrees. Soon it started snowing like a blizzard. It snowed until about 11pm. It was a very wet snow. On Sunday AM I was going to get in the truck and had a hard time opening the door, it had frozen shut. There went my wash job. Oh well, the windows are clean.
Sunday was a special day. At 9AM we met at the hospital as Sam was going to bless baby Benjamin Alexander Harrison. Wow, What a long name for such a tiny baby. It was fast meeting and the hospital has a branch on Sunday mornings. It is in the Murray Stake and 38 couples are assigned to the hospital. They are to visit the patients in the hospital each day and see to their needs. On Sunday there were 101 members in the hospital. The Branch President announced that this was the first time they had ever blessed a baby, the older women who usually came to the hospital had stopped having babies. (everyone laughed). The nurse brought Sam in to the meeting, he wasn't in his fancy wheelchair, he was in one they could lay him down in as he still gets tired quickly. He blessed the baby and both grandfathers were there, friends, cousins, brothers. It was a very special blessing. You could feel the spirit so strongly in his voice. If you did not see him in a wheel chair, you could not tell from the sound of his voice that he was ill. Afterword, we went to the 12th floor and everyone met there. We took pictures of them holding the baby. He is such a good baby, never a wimper from him. We left around 11 and went home and grabbed our salad fixings and headed over to the luncheon. The luncheon was at Ashley's grandma LouAnn's club house. It was very nice there. The food looked delicious, and they had cheese cake, too bad I was fasting. I stayed until 12:30 and went to my ward down town.
Sterling was there, I haven't seen him in some time, he looked real good, He is getting all grown up and mature looking. I forget he and T are going to be 25 this year. I guess its ok if they begin to look mature at that age. They probably think 25 is getting up there, but from my point of view is looks pretty young, I can't even remember back that far. I was just trying to think what I was doing when I was 25. I was married to Dan, and we lived in ABQ, I was working at the Buick dealership there that was 1970'. Other than that, I can't think of anything significant about that year.
Everyday at work, I distribute the mail. All of the mail that comes to this floor. We (the audiovisual department) occupy the west side of the 21st floor, and the translation department has the east side of the floor. Every work day, a young man on the translation side receives the BYU news paper "Daily Universe". Well, not wanting to waste paper, I help him recycle it by reading it before I give it to him. Anyway, there was an article in there about Sam. I went online and copied it so you could read it.
Here it is:
BYU student Sam Harrison was just adjusting to his role as the father of a one-month-old baby boy, when his life took another dramatic turn.
Feb. 16 Harrison was seriously injured in a snowboarding accident and was life-flighted to the University of Utah hospital.
An MRI and X-rays showed his neck broken in several places and damage to the protective layer around his spinal cord. Though his spinal cord is fine, Harrison is currently paralyzed. Doctors said it would be a miracle for him to walk again.
Thankfully, Sam and his wife Ashley said they believe in miracles.
Friends said Harrison mistook a large jump for a hill, caught too much air and landed on his head.
"Thankfully he was wearing a helmet so his head was protected," Ashley Harrison said. "Sam is not a daredevil."
At first, Harrison only had feeling just past his elbows and from his sternum upward. By Feb. 19, he had feeling down to his wrists in both arms and was able to breathe without a ventilator.
It was on this day that Harrison told his wife, "Ashley, I am not going to be a cripple. I am going to walk again."
Harrison was then moved to the Intermountain Medical Center in Murray to begin rehabilitation. He will be there for at least three months.
The story of Sam Harrison is available at www.donateforsam.org where donations can also be made. By the fifth day after being established, $10,000 had been donated. Sam, Ashley, and baby Benjamin greatly appreciate all prayers and donations.
It was a long day, I went to YLonni's after church and veged. She went over to her Sons for a while and I just sat there thinking through the day. We watched "Persuasion" on Masterpiece Theater. I went home about 10:30 and got to bed by midnight. Not to bad, but a full day.
Today, Juan has grouted all of the tile he has laid so far. He still has the hallways and a small piece in the North bedroom. The cabinets are supposed to be here on the 4th and will install on 5th or 6th. The contractor finished with the wall repair and stucco today. They had a difficult time matching the brick color. I think it will be OK.
This morning for our Monday morning devotional Elder Coleman spoke to us. Elder Coleman was my seminary director when I taught seminary in Grants. He told of his conversion. He had been a good member of his church and was an alter boy for 12 years. He said he had been looking into mormonism for a year and no one gave him a Book of Mormon. He said finally a missionary gave him a marked one. ( I don't know if you remember the blue Bof M with the picture of the Angel Moroni on the front.) He said he only read 87 verses, and he received a testimony. He said the markings started him on page 19 and then on to page 59, and some others inbetween, then on to 3 Nephi 11, and finally ending in Moroni with the challenge. He said he took the challenge and received a significant testimony. It changed his life. It was very moving. I had tears, of course, he had tears, and many others all of us remembering our precious testimonies when the spirit witnessed to us the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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