Friday, February 29, 2008


Thank goodness it's Friday! The weather has been very nice the past two days. There are people everywhere out jogging, and I saw three women (on my walk to the condo) pushing babies in their strollers. If you are in a sunny area it is quite nice to feel the sun on you, but the shade is still cool. I still wear my wonderful gloves that Cherie sent me for Christmas. There is still quite a bit of snow piled in places, especially where Marissa and Mason live, they got part of that heavy snow. The one where the elementary students were stranded at the school all night and had a great time. There has been a bit of flooding in Herriman and another place I forgot the name of, in a new housing area. Right now it is 49 degrees out side. You can also see all the bulbs planted in the fall all around the church office building (COB) peeking out of the soil. It is great.
Yesterday after work I went to see Sam, He was asleep, they wore him out in therapy. His Mom and Dad were there. He has a brand new fancy wheelchair. He can call someone or email someone from the wheelchair. I think they said he was able to sit up for about 40 minutes before he got too tired. They are planning on blessing baby Benjamin at the hospital branch at 9:00AM this Sunday. Chuck is coming from NM later on this afternoon and bringing Sterling and Emily, and Heather arrived last night with baby Sarah, I think Dave is bringing Joseph on a different flight. Someone gave him a ticket. (The world is full of good people.) Carol said she moved Ashley back to her house from Grandma LouAnn's yesterday afternoon. It was nice for her to be there, but there is "no place like home"!!! We will all miss Whitney who is unable to come. She did come the weekend of the accident.
Update on the condo redo, they installed the new window yesterday, and finished the tape and texture, redid some sagging shelves in closet and bathrooms. I went this morning and purchased primer to go paint this afternoon. I also purchased two new pottys. My those things are expensive. Lets see, I'm 63, they have to last at least 20 some years so they had better be good.
Tile man has been sick for two days, this makes Marissa pretty frustrated, it interfers with her schedule. Helen called today she went to the Dr. she has the flu and hasn't worked for two days, the Dr. told her not to work for two more days. She should be ready for the Sunday Pm shift.
I didn't sleep well last night, I woke up and couldn't sleep wondering how Sam and Ashley are going to the logistics of a Spinal Cord Injury. Silly of me, I am sure they will train them and inform they of what needs to be done. More later. Love to All!!!


Karebear said...

Okay, so I am the only one who posts on your blog, so either your other readers don't bother or I am the only one who reads it. Either way I love to read about you and I hope you know how much I love you.



Heather said...

I'm here too. We sure appreciate the updates on Sam and also love hearing the going ons in your life.

Kathy said...

Thanks Carroll for keep us informed of Sams progress.
Think Spring and it will come.
all this blog stuff is soooo very interesting!!