Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring is Here

Today for lunch I walked to a nice sandwich shop a couple of blocks away. (Yes, it is true, I walked "outside", windy as heck but I was out there.) I noticed all of the pansies waving at me and all of the bulb plants sticking up out of the ground. We have had a much milder winter than last year and it seems like less snow. It is so nice to see the flowers, so there is hope.
Yesterday evening I sat with a friend at the hospital for a while. I had grabbed the conference issue as I had set a goal to real all of last conference talks again before April Conference. She was sleeping so I started to read and realized that I had last April's issue. I decided to read it anyway. I was reading President Eyrings talk and in there he was talking about families. He said he missed his grandchildren who lived in far away places and felt the loss of that relationship with them. I too was missing my children and my grandchildren, it was a good feeling to know that an apostle misses his grandchildren too. Soooooo!
Good news, I am off to Phx tomorrow to see my 3 children there and my new grand babies, before they grow too much. Tomorrow they will be 3 months old, and I have missed so much. There is just something about babies!! If you want to see them email Risa and she will add you to her blog. Happy Spring!!!

1 comment:

Karebear said...

I love watching the flowers trying to poke through the winter ground. Yesterday while we were at the park I noticed some trees were starting to bud! Yes, Yes, spring is coming!

Enjoy your kids and grandchildren!